We will never get rid of the misperception that Saddam Hussein had WMDs as long as Fox News is around. Media Matters is reporting that the channel aired an absurd discussion of -- get this -- whether Saddam had WMDs that were given to Syria and then passed to Hezbollah:
During a segment in which John Gibson and Julie Banderas were speculating on whether there was any truth to the baseless reports and statements from unidentified "experts" that Saddam Hussein's alleged stockpile of weapons of mass destruction had been secretly transported from Iraq to Syria before the Iraq war and "might have been put in the hands of Hezbollah," the onscreen text read: "Are Saddam Hussein's WMDs Now in Hezbollah's Hands?"
Note that this theory requires (a) Saddam had WMDs; (b) they were shipped to Syria before the invasion; and (c) Syria has now given them to Hezbollah. There's no credible evidence supporting any of these claims, and all three have to be true for this speculation to be accurate.
Here's a picture of the on-screen text that Fox showed during the segment:
Just unbelievable. To view the video clip and read the full transcript, go to the article on the Media Matters website.