Since resigning in embarrassment from the Clinton White House, Dick Morris has become a national joke. This passage from an American Spectator article makes me cringe -- it combines Morris's unrealistic third-party boosterism with his desperation to get quoted:
The Lieberman victory bode well for a third party, triangulation master Dick Morris said in an interview for this story.
"Lieberman's ability to cross party lines easily, certainly is attracting Republican and independent voters and certainly shows that Bloomberg could succeed," Morris said. "His [Bloomberg's] combination of social liberalism and fiscal conservatism and hawkishness on terror is a great combo for independent voters."
Before we view Lieberman's win as an omen for independent candidates, keep in mind he was a three-term incumbent in a race with no viable Republican opponent. Even an enthusiastic Morris will tell you a Bloomberg candidacy only works if Republicans nominate an arch conservative, not a John McCain or a Rudy Giuliani.
"Bloomberg would represent a middle course, which refuses to order from the dinner menu but demands a la carte," Morris said. "An appetizer of pro-choice, a main course of pro-growth tax policies and a dessert of tough on terror."
I love a dessert of tough on terror! Seriously, I assume Morris wants to work for Bloomberg, but I doubt he will run. And even if he does, he won't win.