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November 07, 2007


It's hard for Edwards and Obama to attack Hillary's experience, since all three are little more than one-term Senators. Experience could be more of an issue in the general election if one of them faces Guiliani or Romney.

Drivers licenses for illegals could also be more of an issue in the general election, since a big majority of Americans are strongly opposed.

Experience could be more of an issue in the general election if one of them faces Guiliani or Romney.

Not really sure why this would be. Romney has 4 years experience in elected office (Gov Mass, 2003-2007) and Giuliani 7 (Mayor NYC 1994-2001). Come Jan 2009. Hillary will have had 8 years (US Senate 2001-2009), Obama 11 (Ill. State Senate 1994-2001, US Senate 2005-2009) and Edwards 6 (US Senate 1999-2005).

Neither Giuliani nor Romney have any national security experience--Rudy actually turned down serving in the Iraq Study Group, while Obama serves on the Foreign Relations and Homeland Security committees, Hillary on Armed Services, and Edwards served on Intelligence.

McCain is a much bigger threat on experience, with 26 years in office (US House 1983-1987, US Senate 1987-2009), or maybe even Huckabee (if you value executive experience) who was Gov of Arkansas for 10+ years.

Dave White, you make a good case, but the voting public seems to like executive experience. I believe JFK was the only President elected in the last 75 years or more with only legislative experience.

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