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March 03, 2008


I agree with most of Brendan's points, but must question what he calls a false claim that that Obama's "campaign headquarters in Houston had a Che Guevara-emblazoned Cuban flag hanging on the wall." His words might seem to imply that no Che Guevara-emblazoned Cuban flag was hanging on the wall. In fact, a Cuban flag was indeed hanging at an Obama campaign office. The correction is merely that the office in question was not Obama's main Houston headquarters.

At best it's a quibble to deny that a campaign office is a "headquarters". The dictionary defines "headquarters" as "a center of operations, as of the police or a business, from which orders are issued; the chief administrative office of an organization." The first definition would apply to any campaign office. The second one would not.

BTW anther excuse offered at the link is that the office where the Cuban flag was hanging was not "an official campaign office controlled by the Obama campaign." Even so, I'm sure they would have taken down the Cuban flag at Obama's request. Furthermore, regardless of the status of this particular office, the Cuban flag gives a picture of the radical views of some Obama supporters.

Furthermore, regardless of the status of this particular office, the Cuban flag gives a picture of the radical views of some Obama supporters.

Why not say, "Furthermore, regardless of the veracity of the claim, I will believe what I want to believe?"

Holding a candidate responsible for all the views of the people that vote for them is asinine. I'm sure there are plenty of Neo-nazis that will be voting for McCain out of houses with Nazi flags, maybe even wearing their armbands to the polling booth. Is McCain accountable for their views?

Given that Bill Cunningham has falsely accused Obama of attending a madrassa in the past, what was McCain expecting?

Call me crazy, but I don't think the "unpatriotic" attack will stick -- how can it when Obama is famous for making soaring inspirational speeches about how great this country is?

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