When are the media going to start pointing out that John McCain and his campaign are misrepresenting Barack Obama's position on nuclear power?
On Monday, McCain said "[Obama] doesn't want nuclear power" and claimed that "[Obama] continues to oppose the use of nuclear power." Similarly, during a press conference yesterday, McCain adviser Douglas Holtz-Eakin claimed "[Obama] has said no to nuclear power."
However, as Time's Michael Scherer points out, these claims are all false:
Does Obama oppose the "use of nuclear power"? No. But he is more cautious about expanding nuclear (which would require significant federal spending, say most analysts) than McCain.
Here's what Obama's position paper on energy says (PDF):
Safe and Secure Nuclear Energy: Nuclear power represents more than 70 percent of our non- carbon generated electricity. It is unlikely that we can meet our aggressive climate goals if we eliminate nuclear power from the table. However, there is no future for expanded nuclear without first addressing four key issues: public right-to-know, security of nuclear fuel and waste, waste storage, and proliferation.
And here's what he said in New Hampshire last year:
On one specific energy matter that is important to many in New Hampshire, he would not pledge to stop all new nuclear power plants.
"When you're a politician, you're always tempted to get some applause, but on this one I have to be more qualified," Obama said.
"We shouldn't simply remove nuclear power from the equation," Obama said. "But there has to be a high standard and a high threshold. ... I'm not going to automatically rule it out as a reasonable option."
None of this is particularly hard. Yet the New York Times failed spectacularly at fact-checking McCain today, referencing McCain's misrepresentation of Obama's position in an oblique, "he said"/"she said" aside:
Even before Mr. McCain left South Dakota, where he campaigned at the freewheeling Sturgis Motorcycle Rally on Monday night, and headed to the plant in Michigan, Mr. Obama’s campaign had put out a statement rebuffing what it called Mr. McCain’s misrepresentation of Mr. Obama’s position on nuclear power."
The Times then quotes the passage from Obama's policy paper above. However, the reader is not told what McCain said or why Obama's campaign alleged that he was misrepresented. And the wording used by the Times ("what [the Obama campaign] called Mr. McCain’s misrepresentation of Mr. Obama’s position") offers no indication that McCain actually did misrepresent Obama's position.
Obama's position on when he'll support more nuclear power plants is clear.
Posted by: Rob | August 06, 2008 at 02:03 PM
No new nuclear power plant has been started in this country for several decades. The reason is that polical, regulatory, and legal hurdles have been used to prevent each proposed project for many, many years. As a result, nobody wants to invest in a new plant. They know that their project would just pay out expense money while their application was indefinitely tied up.
In order for new nuclear plants to be built, our country's legal/administrative/political structure needs to be substantially changed. That's a very difficult challenge. Any leader trying to bring this change about will face a lot of criticism. Nor is it clear that even the President has the power to prevent various environmental organizations from using the courts to tie up the construction.
It won't be enough for the President to have a policy of, "We shouldn't simply remove nuclear power from the equation." Note that President Bush called for nuclear energy several years ago, but his Presidential call wasn't enough. For the US to start building nuclear power plants again will take the kind of leadership JFK showed when he committed to put a man on the moon.
In short, Obama's policy of mere non-opposition will lead to a continuation of no nuclear power plants being built. McCain isn't wrong is so characterizing it.
Posted by: David | August 06, 2008 at 02:15 PM
David says if you don't promote something it means you are opposed to it. That seems a convoluted way to justify a misrepresentation.
Why doesn't McCain simply say he wants to promote nuclear energy while Obama doesn't?
Perhaps its because saying Obama is opposed to nuclear energy makes for a better sound bite.
Or, it may be that most voters would actually agree with Obama, so its necessary to distort his position.
Posted by: Howard Craft | August 06, 2008 at 02:52 PM
It is like everything else with the Sainted One. He beats around the bush without saying he will do this or do that. What he really said in those quotes was if there is not too much objection he would go along but if they object then he will too. The man talks out of both sides of his mouth every time he speaks. McCain is dead on with view of Saint O's position on nuclear power. He will do nothing which is exactly the same as being against them.
Posted by: Kabookey | August 06, 2008 at 04:40 PM
What he really said in those quotes is that nuclear energy has a lot of drawbacks.
Drawbacks mean costs and dangers.
Obama would apparently like to have better ways to deal with those costs and dangers before he promotes nuclear energy to meet future domestic needs.
Posted by: Howard Craft | August 06, 2008 at 05:42 PM
I am surprised with such better organaization (at least in appearence) why Obama campaign appear to be so soft in countering misinformation. I think Obama's campaign (democrats in general) are yet to master the art of offense with solid counter punch as part of robust wider campaign.
Posted by: Anita | August 07, 2008 at 06:08 AM
Obama's new ad opposing the use of Yucca Mountain for storage of nuclear wastes shows that he remains an opponent of nuclear power. When dealing with nukes, it's easy for a politician to demand more study. However, a real leader must decide when when studies are sufficient and the it's time for action.
Yucca has been studied intensively for decades. Most experts agree it's an ideal storage site. The ones who disagree are NIMBY Nevadans and those opposed to all nuclear power. Obama says he now doesn't oppose new nuclear power plants, but if no storage site will ever satisfy him, I'd say he remains an opponent.
(Sorry not to post a link to Obama's ad, My computer is acting up.)
Posted by: David | August 09, 2008 at 12:18 PM
McCain does not have a plan for nuclear power. His suggestions for numbers of power plants are identical to the Bush administration's current energy policy. McCain has suggested no new ideas for or changes to laws or funding related to nuclear power.
IMHO, McCain's entire nuclear power platform is that he raises his voice every time he says the words: NUCLEAR POWER. Other than that and the Yucca storage issue, his platform is identical to Obama's.
Posted by: smc | August 20, 2008 at 04:47 PM
About nuclear power.... Regardless of the talk from both side, building nuclear power plants will take years and years of planning and true commitment, with the first power plant started in maybe 10 years. I don't see that from either side.
Posted by: adelen theibert | September 16, 2008 at 05:45 PM