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December 09, 2008


The column wouldn't have been as embarrassing if she'd been arguing that Caroline Kennedy was particularly brilliant or had a long history dealing with issues of any importance. Instead she justifies her support by citing the examples of Sonny Bono and Jesse Ventura (who at least had to put their names on a ballot to get elected).

I'm tempted to agree, since I don't want to see Caroline Kennedy, Chris Matthews, or Al Franken in the senate. But really I don't see the former as comparable to the latter two.
I don't think celebrities are any more or less offensive than rich businessmen who use their personal net worth as a springboard into office. There's no way someone like Jon Corzine would be where he is if he wasn't super wealthy, just like there's no way we'd take Al Franken or Chris Matthews remotely seriously if they weren't famous. And we all seem pretty fine with rich businessmen/lawyers running for Congress (we have voted for plenty of them).
So it's really just a matter of whether the specific celebrity is actually fit for office. I don't see any larger issues beyond their qualifications. Caroline Kennedy in the senate is disturbing due to the political dynasty issue no matter how qualified she is.

What, no mention of Ahnuld? I gotta say, he hasn't been nearly as awful a governor as i expected, but i suspect that this is only because i expected nothing less than utter embarrassment.

I agree with Ben; we already elect celebrities. The only difference is that politicians pay for their celebrity.

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