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June 02, 2009


I fully agree with Brendan.

IMHO this sort of nasty pun is more used against conservatives than liberals. Sure, Rush Limbaugh attacks liberals this way, but the mainstream media use this technique against conservatives.

E.g., when Newt Gingrich became Speaker of the House, the Time Magazine cover blurb was The Gingrich Who Stole Christmas. Newsweek's was: How the Gingrich Stole Christmas!

"Sure, Rush Limbaugh attacks liberals this way, but the mainstream media use this technique against conservatives."

Prove it, pretzel boy. Please show your work that the "mainstream media" attacks conservatives in this way more than people like Beck, Coulter, Hannity, Limbaugh, and O'Reilly do.

I still have that Newsweek, by the way. It was a political cartoon's title, not Newsweek's cover blurb.

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