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August 19, 2009


Your interpretation doesn't make sense.

By the numbers, Colorado, Virginia, and North Carolina are all high--Utah is low.

VA and NC are southern states with large black pops. CO and UT are mountain states with small black pops.

How do you conclude that "birther-ism may be prevalent among Republicans in states outside the South that lack large black populations" when CO, VA, and NC are the high reads, and UT is the low one? For your conclusion to be true, wouldn't we need CO and UT to be the high reads, and VA and NC the low ones?

Adam - it's a reference to my previous post, which pointed out that birtherism was low in Utah (low black pop.) and high in VA and NC (high black pop.). The point I'm trying to make is that the Colorado poll is inconsistent with that post (i.e. it has a low black pop. and high birther beliefs among Republicans). Apologies if it is unclear.

What about how well-educated the states are, as suggested by Robert David Sullivan and David in your previous post?

Nothing is popping out when I look at percent of the state population with a high school or college degree, though I don't have figures specifically for Republicans. Also, I'm concerned that the difference in wording and methodology between the Public Policy Polling poll and the Utah poll is a problem.

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