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February 04, 2010


I also deplore Bond's implication that Obama is somehow sympathetic to radical Islam. However, President Obama ought to stop inviting such criticism. Given his unusual background, I think he ought to bend over backwards to dissociate himself from their odious philosophy. Instead, he has soft-pedaled his criticism of the Iranian leadership and of the Taliban, he has given inappropriate rights and respect to radical Islamic prisoners, he has implicitly supported the lie that prisoners at Gitmo are mistreated, and he has gone abroad to criticize his own country, as if our moral standing was comparable to theirs.

:"Given his unusual background..."

What "unusual background" are you referring to?

"...given inappropriate rights and respect to radial Islamic prisoners..."

What "inappropriate rights and respect to radical Islamic prisoners" are you referring to?

"...he has implicitly supported the lie that prisoners at Gitmo are mistreated..."

How is this claim a "lie," and even if it is one, when did Obama "implicityly" support it.

"...and he has gone abroad to criticize his own country..."

He didn't criticize "America," he criticized some American governmental policies made in the past that he disagreed with.

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