I don't have much to add about Dinesh D'Souza and Newt Gingrich's factually unsupported race-baiting campaign against President Obama, but I do want to flag the latest smear against Obama's loyalty to this country. As Media Matters points out, columnist/author David Limbaugh (Rush's brother) suggests that Obama may be "trying intentionally to take us over the cliff" in a hilariously campy Newsmax.tv interview that looks like an Onion parody:
Here are some choice excerpts:
"What kind of foreigner do we have in this office, and I’m not talking the birther issue. But I am saying this guy’s attitude is that of an alien who’s not proud of this country, who goes around apologizing to the world with dismissiveness and arrogance, and says we have not comported ourselves like a good citizen."
"What is this grudge he has against America?"
"How can you not think that the guy is trying intentionally to take us over the cliff? I’m not saying he is. I think he’s a combination of Mr. Magoo and Nikolai Machiavelli. I don’t know what the guy is."
"I don’t know that this guy recognizes any restraints on his constitutional authority."
I've added Limbaugh's statement to my timeline of attacks on Obama's loyalty.
I'm a New Yorker with little exposure to Rush -- I spent this past summer in Cleveland, and for reasons not interesting enough to explain I'm listening to WTAM here, which is Rush's station. So I've been hearing him for a few minutes here and there a couple times a week.
Rush impugns Obama's loyalty and the loyalty of everyone who works for Obama pretty much every time I listen to him.
It's unclear to me how these haven't made your timeline of slanders.
Posted by: Martin | September 13, 2010 at 10:18 PM
Hi Martin - Please send links to any examples you hear (usually posted later on RushLimbaugh.com).
Posted by: bnyhan | September 13, 2010 at 10:27 PM
I agree that D'Souza and Gingrich are wrong, foolish and offensive in trying to analyze Obama as an African.
David Limbaugh starts with some arguably valid complaints about Obama:
-- seems not proud of this country,
-- goes around apologizing to the world with dismissiveness and arrogance,
-- says we have not comported ourselves like a good citizen
Where he goes off the rails IMHO is to wrongly conclude:
"How can you not think that the guy is trying intentionally to take us over the cliff?"
The answer to this rhetorical question is Hanlon's Razor. I don't mean to say that Obama is personally stupid, but that he came into office sharing in a leftist viewpoint of the world which IMHO is not accurate.
Actually, I think President Obama is smart enough to modify his opinion and now realize that that his liberal world view wasn't entirely realistic. That's why he's now continuing some Bush policies that are loathed by liberals, such as keeping Gitmo open, denying civilian trials to some Gitmo inmates and continuing to use extraordinary rendition.
Posted by: David in Cal | September 14, 2010 at 12:18 AM
Newt is no historian or he would have know the Luo were not a part of the Mau Mau rebellion in Kenya. That's why I say Newt - a slimy idiot with a PHD
Posted by: twitter.com/rawdawgbuffalo | September 14, 2010 at 11:23 AM