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August 19, 2011


Brendan, honestly, what kind of control will David Leondhardt have over writers? The NYT has to fill columns with stories. Is there any telling if he change the culture there to publish stories that have more of an empirical basis as opposed to the usual 'crude narrative' as you call it?

I know nothing of how newspapers work, but even if Leonhardt produces more stories like the ones you wish to see, there's still the David Brooks and the Maureen Dowds to the contend with who will still manufacture the same old hackneyed commentary when it comes to politics anyway.


I came to your blog through a link at The Moderate Voice. I have proposed and moderate political party and platform and would welcome your input. Here's the link: http://atcs.newsvine.com/_news/2011/07/13/7042740-could-you-support-this-politcal-party-platform-poll

If you're interested and wish to share with others, please feel free to do so. I look forward to your input.

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